Sabine Georg

Research assistant

Sabine Georg studied educational science with a focus on early childhood development. After graduating, she worked as a research assistant at the Center for Prevention and Digital Health at the Mannheim Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University, where she focused on prevention and health services research in childhood. Among other things, she was involved in the adaptation and validation of the Canadian development questionnaire "Early Development Instrument" for the German-speaking world, worked on the process evaluation of a complex intervention to improve the quality of care for chronically ill children as part of a multicenter study and, since autumn 2023, has been supporting the Competence Network Preventive Medicine funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg in the development of a prevention research strategy. As a doctoral student, her work included systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses on the topic of "Promoting self-regulation skills in kindergarten as an important predictor of health and academic outcomes". Since October 1, 2023, Sabine Georg has also been working as a research assistant at the University Hospital Düsseldorf in the field of child health services research and supports Professor De Bock's team in developing a pediatric screening to assess the risk of neglect in childhood and in preparing systematic literature reviews on moderators and mediators of the relationship between child maltreatment and its negative consequences.

Visitor address:

Childhood Haus Düsseldorf

Himmelgeisterstreasse 228 (Gebäude 12.50, EG)

40225 Düsseldorf

Research interests

  • Prevention in early childhood
  • Municipal and cross-sectoral prevention strategies
  • Child protection and risks of neglect
  • Evidence-based improvement of pedagogical quality in kindergarten settings
  • Validation of the Early Development Instrument (EDI) to identify vulnerable groups of children in German kindergartens
  • Early childhood self-regulation skills


Selected publications


Georg, S., Genser, B., Fischer, J., Sachse S., De Bock, F. (2023). Development and validation of a self-regulation scale within the German version of the Early Development Instrument. BMC Pediatrics, 23:509.

Eichinger, M., Görig, T., Georg, S., Hoffmann, D., Sonntag, D., Philippi, H., König, J., Urschitz, M. S., & De Bock, F. (2022). Evaluation of a Complex Intervention to Strengthen Participation-Centred Care for Children with Special Healthcare Needs: Protocol of the Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomised PART-CHILD Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(24).

Georg, S., Bosle, C., Fischer, J. E., & De Bock, F. (2020). Psychometric properties and contextual appropriateness of the German version of the Early Development Instrument. BMC Pediatrics, 20(1), 1–18.

Georg, S., & De Bock, F. (2017). Standardized observation of development in preschool - New Opportunities. Kinderärztliche Praxis, 88(4), 234–238.

Georg, S., Hambsch, J., Fischer, J. E., & Bock, F. De. (2017). Monitoring of Child Development and School Readiness at the Community Level. European Public Health Conference, 4697.

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