Percutaneous Therapy of Mitral Regurgiation - “Which Techniques for which Patients?”

Milestones in the therapy of advanced heart failure of recent years represent the introduction of devices for percutaneous reconstruction of the mitral valve in patients. For high-risk patients with severe Mitral Regurgitation who are not eligible for surgery, percutaneous mitral valve repair has emerged to an effective therapeutic alternative, especially in patients with heart failure and functional mitral regurgitation. Different percutaneous approaches are currently available from edge to edge Mitral Valve Repair with the MitraClip®  system up to indirect or direct annuloplasty techniques currently arising in clinical praxis. Up to know, it is not known which patient benefit from which technique in long term and at which time point should we implement these techniques in the care of heart failure

Our Aims: 
We aim to implement different techniques of percuatenous intervention of MR as a patient-tailored therapy. Our research focus to predict the effect of percutaneous intervention of MR and to determine which patient benefit from which technique in long term and at which time point should we implement these techniques in the care of heart failure. In addition, we further develop the process of percutaneous intervention of MR to increase efficacy and safety of the procedure.

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