Publikationen 2000

Burmester GR, Radbruch A, Rautenstrauch J, Zeidler H, Schneider M, Zink A
Das Kompetenznetzwerk "Entzündlich-rheumatische Systemerkrankungen" - Hintergründe - Fakten - Ziele
Z Rheumatol 2000;59(4):245-53

Feldkamp J, Becker A, Witte O W, Scharff D, Scherbaum WA
Long-term anticonvulsant therapy leads to low bone mineral density--evidence for direct drug effects of phenytoin and carbamazepine on human osteoblast-like cells.
Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2000; 108(1): 37-43.

Fischer R, Ostendorf B, Richter J, Schneider M
Hypovolämischer Schock bei generalisiertem Ödem - Das paroxysmale nicht-heriditäre Angioödem ("Clarkson-Syndrom")
Dtsch Med Wschr 2000;125:427-428

Fischer R, Peters A, Klein M, Leschke M, Schneider M
A rare cause of muscle pain and elevated creatine kinase level--the paroxysmal non-hereditary angioedema.
Z Rheumatol. 2000 Jun;59(3):200-4.

Keitel W, Genth E, Gromnica-Ihle E, Hantzschel H, Kalden JR, Mathies H, Raspe HH, Schneider M, Warnatz H, Zacher J, Abholz HH
Leitlinie für das Symptom Gelenkschwellung - Primärärztliches Problemmanagement und Überweisungsindikationen
Z Rheumatol 2000; 59:151-61

Knipp S, Bier H, Horneff G, Specker C, Schuster A, Schroten H, Lenard HG, Niehues T
Relapsing polychondritis in childhood--case report and short review.
Rheumatol Int. 2000;19(6):231-4.

Radsak M, Iking-Konert C, Stegmaier S, Andrassy K, Hänsch GM
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) as accessory cells for T-cell activation: MHC class II restricted antigen-dependent induction of T-cell proliferation.
Immunology; 2000:101: 521-53

Richter J, Specker C, Modder U, Schneider M
Arthropathy in beta-thalassemia minor.
Med Klin. 2000 Jan 15;95(1):40-3. German.

Schneider M
Plasmapheresis: Indications and Techniques.
Saudi J Kidney Dis Transplant 2000;11:315-24

Specker C, Monser R, Schneider M
Documentation concepts in MedNet-Rheuma (competence network "Inflammatory-rheumatic systemic diseases").
Z Rheumatol. 2000 Feb;59(1):53-6.

Steinbrenner H, Lohmann T, Ostendorf B, Scherbaum WA, Seissler J
Autoantibodies to ICA12 (SOX-13) are not specific for Type I diabetes.
Diabetologia 2000 Nov;43(11):1381-84

von Schmiedeberg S, Ronnau AC, Schuppe HC, Specker C, Ruzicka T, Lehmann P
Combination of antimalarial drugs mepacrine and chloroquine in therapy refractory cutaneous lupus erythematosus.
Hautarzt. 2000 Feb;51(2):82-5.

Wagner C, Pioch M, Meyer C, Iking-Konert C, Andrassy K, Hänsch GM
Differentiation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils in patients with systemic infections and chronic inflammatory diseases: evidence of prolonged life span and de novo synthesis of fibronectin
J Mol Med (2000) 78: 337-345


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