Student exchange between Oita University Japan and HHU Düsseldorf

In line with the Japan strategy of the Medical Faculty of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, we have maintained a lively exchange with scientists and physicians at various locations in Japan for several years.

One example is the long-standing collaboration with the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the University of Oita, Japan (Prof. Shinji Miyamoto, MD, PhD) and the Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at the University Hospital Düsseldorf (Prof. Hubert Schelzig, MD).

Here, an active exchange of surgical know-how has developed, but also especially in the area of education and training of junior staff. For example, a physician from the local clinic is currently in Oita to promote joint scientific projects.

After Corona forced break, the student exchange program with Oita University could start with two pioneers from May to July 2023. (A personal feedback can be found below in the text).

They were accommodated in the guest house of the University of Düsseldorf. After completing the formalities (approval of accommodation, enrollment in the HHU, international health insurance), they were welcomed by the team of the Vascular Biology Laboratory of the Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (AG Aortic Lesions, PD Dr. med. Wagenhäuser). Here they spent their research stay with their own projects, which are part of their curricular curriculum in Japan. Finally, they presented their work in a scientific talk at the clinic's weekly lab meeting.

If you are interested in the exchange program of the clinic, please feel free to contact us here

Lab Team

Feedback from our first guest students:

Working in your lab has been a truly inspiring, and I am eager to capture my thoughts and impressions in this document.

Research in the lab was more enjoyable than I had expected, and the researchers in the same lab were really kind, and no matter what I asked any of them, they kindly and carefully taught me.

Outside of the lab, my daily interactions with Germany's unique culture have left a lasting impression on me. When I go to shopping, I always used REWE, where I discovered the "ja!" labeled products to be both affordable and of excellent quality. This supermarket became an integral part of my daily routine in Germany. And I'm sure that I'll use this supermarket when I visit Germany next time.

Living in the dormitory was made comfortable and memorable, and Genki helped me adapt seamlessly to my new surroundings.

Managing day-to-day tasks such as laundry was a learning experience in itself. And I could use the laundry machine by using the charged student card.

The dishes in Germany are so tasty and the blood sausage was impressive for me. And I found that the university's cafeteria (Mensa) is a cost-effective solution, offering delicious and budget-friendly meals that I wish I had discovered earlier.

Perhaps one of the most memorable aspects of my stay was the opportunity to connect with Germany students and locals through Genki's introduction to parties. Thanks to it, I could get meaningful connections and gain insights into German culture that will undoubtedly enrich my perspective for years to come.

The abundance of sausage varieties in German supermarkets was an amusing discovery, and I indulged in this culinary experience throughout my stay. Despite my efforts, I couldn't complete "ALL KINDS of SAUSAGE" in Germany because there are innumerable kinds of sausages in Germany!

Traveling extensively across Europe exposed me to various modes of transportation, and I became familiar with options such as Flixbus and BlaBlaBus for buses, EurailPass for trains, and Ryanair for flights - each serving as an economical means of exploration.

Then, I used hostel-style accommodations and found them sursprisingly enjoyable, giving me meaningful interactions with other travelers.

Regarding healthcare, navigating the insurance process during times of illness was a valuable lesson. For Japanese, I found that hospitals in Düsseldorf run by Japanese doctors can be convenient.

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