Prof. Dr. phil. Claudia Pischke

Prof. Dr. phil. Claudia Pischke


  • September 2018 – heute Professur für Public Health, Leitung Sektion Public Health, Stellvertretende Institutsleitung, Institut für Medizinische Soziologie, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf
  • September 2010 – August 2018 Leiterin der Fachgruppe ‚Angewandte Interventionsforschung‘ des Leibniz-Instituts für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie – BIPS, Bremen
  • Juni 2016 Habilitation für die Fachgebiete Public Health und Gesundheitspsychologie, Fachbereich 11 Human- und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Universität Bremen
    Habilitationstitel: Settings-based Behavior Change Interventions for Chronic Disease Risk Reduction and Health Promotion
  • September 2008 – August 2010 Post-doctoral fellow (gefördert durch das National Cancer Institute) an der School of Public Health der Harvard Universität und dem Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Center for Community-based Research) ~ Boston, MA
  • Juli 2008 Promotion in Psychologie zum Dr. phil. An der Freien Universität Berlin ~ Berlin
    Dissertationstitel: The Role of Comprehensive Lifestyle Changes in the Primary and Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease
  • April 2005 - August 2008 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Preventive Medicine Research Institute ~ Sausalito, CA
  • Oktober 2003 Diplom im Fach Psychologie an der Freien Universität Berlin
  • Oktober 2001 – Oktober 2002 Forschung im Rahmen der Diplomarbeit am Preventive Medicine Research Institute ~ Sausalito, CA
    • Titel der Diplomarbeit: Lifestyle Changes among Heart Disease Patients with Diabetes: Results from the Multicenter Lifestyle Demonstration Project
  • Oktober 1999 Vordiplom, Philipps-Universität Marburg ~ Marburg
  • May – August 2000 Forschungspraktikum, “Social Justice Program”, Department of Social Psychology, University of California, Santa Cruz ~ Santa Cruz, CA
  • Oktober 1997 – Februar 2000 Studium der Psychologie an der Philipps-Universität Marburg ~ Marburg


  • Evidenzbasierte Multikomponenten-, Mehrebeneninterventionen
  • Primär- und Sekundärprävention von Adipositas, Typ II Diabetes, koronaren Herzerkrankungen
  • Veränderung und Aufrechterhaltung von Gesundheitsverhaltensweisen
  • Modifikation von Risikofaktoren
  • eHealth
  • Implementations- und Disseminationsforschung
  • Internationale Public Health Interventionen

Mitgliedschaft in Fachgesellschaften

  • European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR)
  • Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin (DGVM)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Public Health (DGPH)

Laufende Projekte

European Commission (EC). “Empowering parents organizations to prevent substance use – EPOPS”, lead research effort of work package 4 “Evaluation”, 2017-2019

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). “Physical activity and health equity: Primary prevention for healthy ageing” (AEQUIPA II), principal investigator of a subproject entitled “Preference-based interventions to promote sustained physical activity”, 2018-2020

Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen

Kebede MM, Schuett C, Pischke CR (2019) The role of continuous glucose monitoring, diabetes smartphone applications, and self-care behavior in glycemic control: Results of a multi-national online survey. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(1): E109.

Kebede MM, Peters M, Heise TL, Pischke CR. (2018).  Comparison of three meta-analytic methods using data from digital interventions on type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes, 12:59-73.

Kebede, M., Steenbock, B., Helmer, S.M., Möllers, T., Sill, J., Pischke, C.R. (2018).  Identifying evidence-informed physical activity apps: Content analysis. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 18;6(12):e10314.

Sill, J., Steenbock, B., Helmer, S., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R. (2018). Apps zur Förderung von körperlicher Aktivität – Nutzung und Einstellungen bei Erwachsenen im Alter von 50 Jahren und älter: Ergebnisse eines Online-Surveys. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung.

Wichmann, F., Sill, J., Hassenstein, M.J., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R. (2018). Apps zur Förderung von körperlicher Aktivität Einstellungen, Nutzungspräferenzen und Akzeptanz bei Erwachsenen imAlter von 50 Jahren und älter: Ergebnisse von Fokusgruppendiskussionen. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung.

Kebede, M.M., Zeeb, H., Peters, M., Heise, T.L., Pischke, C.R. (2018).  Effectiveness of digital interventions for improving glycemic control in persons with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression analysis. Diabetes Technol Ther, 20(11):767-782.

Lehne, G., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R., Mikolajczyk, R., Bewick, B.M., McAlaney, J., Dempsey, R.C., Van Hal, G., Stock, C., Akvardar, Y., Kalina, O., Orosova, O., Aguinaga-Ontoso, I., Guillen-Grima, F., Helmer, S.M. (2018). Personal and perceived peer use and attitudes towards use of non-prescribed prescription sedatives and sleeping pills among university students in seven European countries. Addictive Behaviors, 12;87:17-23.

Kebede, M., Steenbock, B., Helmer, S.M., Moellers, T., Janna Sill, Pischke, C.R. (2018).  Identifying evidence-informed physical activity apps: Content analysis. JMIR mHealth uHealth, im Druck.

Sill, J., Steenbock, B., Helmer, S., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R. Apps zur Förderung von körperlicher Aktivität – Nutzung und Einstellungen bei Erwachsenen im Alter von 50 Jahren und älter: Ergebnisse eines Online-Surveys. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung, Online verfügbar.

Wichmann, F., Sill, J., Hassenstein, M.J., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R. (2018). Apps zur Förderung von körperlicher Aktivität Einstellungen, Nutzungspräferenzen und Akzeptanz bei Erwachsenen imAlter von 50 Jahren und älter: Ergebnisse von Fokusgruppendiskussionen. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung, Online verfügbar.

Kebede, M.M., Zeeb, H., Peters, M., Heise, T.L., Pischke, C.R. (2018).  Effectiveness of digital interventions for improving glycemic control in persons with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression analysis. Diabetes Technol Ther, 20(11):767-782.

Lehne, G., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R., Mikolajczyk, R., Bewick, B.M., McAlaney, J., Dempsey, R.C., Van Hal, G., Stock, C., Akvardar, Y., Kalina, O., Orosova, O., Aguinaga-Ontoso, I., Guillen-Grima, F., Helmer, S.M. (2018). Personal and perceived peer use and attitudes towards use of non-prescribed prescription sedatives and sleeping pills among university students in seven European countries. Addictive Behaviors, 12;87:17-23.

Muellmann, S., Forberger, S., Möllers, T., Bröring, E., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R. (2017).  Effectiveness of eHealth interventions for the promotion of physical activity in older adults: A systematic review. Preventive Medicine, 108:93-110.

Muellmann, S., Steenbock, B., De Cocker, K., De Craemer, M., Hayes, C., O'Shea, M.P., Horodyska, K., Bell, J., Luszczynska, A., Roos, G., Langøien, L.J., Rugseth, G., Terragni, L., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Brug, J., Pischke, C.R. (2017).  Views of policy makers and health promotion professionals on factors facilitating implementation and maintenance of interventions and policies promoting physical activity and healthy eating: results of the DEDIPAC project. BMC Public Health, 17(1):932.

Schilling, L., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R., Helmer, S.M., Schmidt-Pokrzywniak, A., Reintjes, R., Walter, U., Girbig, M., Gustav, C., Kraemer, A., Icks, A, Schneider, S. (2017).  Licit and illicit substance use patterns among German university students using cluster analysis. Substance Abuse Treatment, Policy, Prevention, and Policy, 12(1):44.

Steenbock, B., Muellmann, S., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R. (2017).  Voraussetzungen für die erfolgreiche Implementierung und Aufrechterhaltung von Mehrebeneninterventionen  und politischen Maßnahmen zur Förderung einer ausgewogenen Ernährung und körperlicher Aktivität aus Stakeholderperspektive: Ergebnisse aus zwei qualitativen Fallstudien / Promoting a balanced diet and physical activity among children : Conditions for the successful implementation and maintenance of multi-level interventions and policies: Results of two qualitative case studies. Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz, 60(10):1124-1138.

Kebede, M., Liedtke, T.P., Möllers, T., Pischke, C.R. (2017).  Characterizing active ingredients of eHealth interventions targeting persons with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus using the Behavior Change Technique Taxonomy: Scoping review. J Med Internet Res,19(10):e348.

Kebede, M., Christianson, L., Khan, Z., Heise, T.L., Pischke, C.R. (2017).  Effectiveness of behavioral change techniques employed in eHealth interventions designed to improve glycemic control in persons with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Systematic Reviews, 6(1):211.

Steenbock, B., Zeeb, H., Rach, S., Pohlabeln, H., Pischke, C.R. (2017).  Design and methods for a cluster-controlled trial conducted at sixty-eight daycare facilities evaluating the impact of "JolinchenKids - Fit and Healthy in Daycare", a program for health promotion in 3- to 6-year-old children. BMC Public Health, 18(1):6.

Muellmann, S., Bragina, I., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Rost, E., Lippke, S., Meyer, J., Schnauber, J., Wasmann, M., Toborg, M., Koppelin, F., Brand, T., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R. (2017).  Development and evaluation of two web-based interventions for the promotion of physical activity in older adults: study protocol for a community-based controlled intervention trial. BMC Public Health, 17(1):512.

Forberger, S., Bammann, K., Bauer, J., Boll, S., Bolte, G., Brand, T., Hein, A., Koppelin, F., Lippke, S., Meyer, J., Pischke, C.R., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Zeeb, H. (2017).  How to tackle key challenges in the promotion of physical activity among older adults (65+): the AEQUIPA network approach. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 4:14(4).

Pischke, C.R., Strube, H., Ralle-Sander, G., Mehring, M., Eichholz, S., Dietrich, A.L., Zeeb, H. (2017).  Hat gezielte Mobilitätsförderung in Seniorenheimen bei Hochaltrigen Auswirkungen auf die Pflegestufe? Eine Einschätzung aus Public Health  Perspektive. Altenheim, 56(4):50-53.

Helmer, S.M., Pischke, C.R., Vriesacker, B., Van Hal, G., Dempsey, R.C., Akvardar, Y., Guillen-Grima, F., Salonna, F., Stock, C., Zeeb, H. (2016).  Personal and perceived peer nonmedical use of prescription medicines to improve academic performance among university students in seven European countries: Results of the ‘Social Norms Intervention for the prevention of Polydrug usE (SNIPE)’ study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 168:128-134.

Bammann, K., Gwozdz, W., Pischke, C.R., Eiben, G., Fernandez-Alvira, J.M., De Henauw, S., Lissner, L., Moreno, L.A., Pitsiladis, Y., Reisch, L., Veidebaum, T., Pigeot, I. on behalf of the IDEFICS Consortium. (2017). The impact of familial, behavioural and psychosocial factors on the SES gradient for childhood overweight in Europe. A longitudinal study. International Journal of Obesity (Lond), 41(1):54-60.

von Atens-Kahlenberg, W., Möllers, T., Bosche, H., Pischke, C.R. (2016).  Evaluation der Umsetzung ausgewählter Qualitätsanforderungen an die Verpflegung in Bremer Kindertageseinrichtungen. / Evaluation of the implementation of

selected nutrition guidelines at daycare facilities in Bremen Ernährungsumschau, 12: 238-245.

von Atens-Kahlenberg, W., Bosche, H., Zeeb, H., Pischke C.R. (2016).  Förderung der Qualität der Verpflegung in Kindertageseinrichtungen – Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse aus zwei Bremer Beratungsprojekten. / Promotion of nutrition guidelines in daycare facilities – experiences and results from two nutrition consulting projects in Bremen. Public Health Forum, 24(3):216–219.

Dempsey, R.C., McAlaney, J., Helmer, S.M., Pischke, C.R., Akvardar, Y., Bewick, B.M., Fawkner, H., Guillen-Grima, F., Stock, C., Vriesacker, B., van Hal, G., Mikolajczyk, R.T. (2016).  Perceptions of peer cannabis use and attitudes are associated with personal cannabis use and attitudes: Findings from a cross-national study of 4000 European university students. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77(5):740-8.

Helmer, S., Pischke, C.R., Zeeb, H. (2016).  Soziale Normen-Interventionen zur Reduktion des Substanzkonsums bei Studierenden: Einsatz eines in Deutschland noch neuartigen Präventionsansatzes. Zeitschrift für Beratung und Studium, 1:11-13.

Helmer, S.M., Muellmann, S., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R. (2016).  Development and evaluation of the efficacy of a web-based ‘social norms’-intervention for the prevention and reduction of substance use in a cluster-controlled trial conducted at eight German universities. BMC Public Health, 11:252.

Muellmann, S., Landgraf-Rauf, K., Brand, T., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R. (2016).  Wirksamkeit von schulbasierten Interventionen zur Prävention und/oder Reduktion psychosozialer Probleme bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Ein Review von Reviews / Effectiveness of school-based interventions for the prevention and/or reduction of psychosocial problems among children and adolescents: a review of reviews. Das Gesundheitswesen, Epub ahead of print.

Muellmann, S., Forberger, S., Moellers, T., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R. (2016).  Effectiveness of eHealth interventions for the promotion of physical activity in older adults: a systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 16:47.

Steenbock, B., & Pischke, C.R. (2016).  Editorial. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung, 11:4-5.

Steenbock, B., Zeeb, H., Liedtke, S., Pischke, C.R. (2016).  Ergebnisse einer Prozessevaluation eines Programms zur Gesundheitsförderung von 3-6-jährigen Kita-Kindern: „JolinchenKids – Fit und gesund in der KiTa. / Results of a process evaluation of a program for health promotion targeting 3-to-6-year old pre-schoolers: “JolinchenKids – Fit and healthy in daycare. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung,11:12-19.

Möllers, T., Pischke, C.R., Zeeb, H. (2015).  Do tanning salons adhere to new legal regulations? Results of a simulated client trial in Germany. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 55(1):133-7.

Pischke, C.R., Helmer, S.M., McAlaney, J., Bewick, B.M., Vriesacker, B., Van Hal, G., Mikolajczyk, R.T., Akvardar, Y., Guillen-Grima, F., Salonna, F., Orosova, O., Dohrmann, S., Dempsey, R.C:, Zeeb, H. (2015).  Normative misperceptions of tobacco use among university students in seven European countries: Baseline findings of the ‘Social Norms Intervention for the prevention of Polydrug usE’ study. Addictive Behaviors, 51:158-164.

Pöttgen, S., Brand, T., Samkange-Zeeb, F., Steenbock, B., Pischke, C.R. (2015).  Effectiveness of school-based interventions to prevent and/or reduce substance use among primary and secondary school pupils: A review of reviews. / Wie wirksam sind schulbasierte Interventionen zur Suchtprävention? Eine Zusammenfassung von Reviews. Gesundheitswesen, 78(4):230-6.

Steenbock, B., Pischke, C.R., Schönbach, J., Pöttgen, S., Brand T. (2015).  The effectiveness of primary prevention interventions promoting physical activity and healthy eating in preschool children: A review of reviews. Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz, 58(6):609-19.

Stock, C., McAlaney J., Pischke CR. Vriesacker B., Van Hal, G., Akvardar, Y., Orosova, O., Kalina, O., Guillen-Grima, F., Bewick, B.M. (2014).  Student estimations of peer alcohol consumption: Application of the Social Norms Approach in the context of the Health Promoting University. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 42(Suppl.):52-59.

Brand, T., Pischke, C.R., Steenbock, B., Schoenbach, J., Poettgen, S., Samkange-Zeeb, F., Zeeb, H. (2014).  What works in community-based interventions promoting physical activity and healthy eating? A review of reviews. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 11(6):5866-88.

Allen, J.D., Perez, J.E., Pischke, C.R., Tom, L., Juarez, A., Ospino, H., Gonzalez-Suarez, E., Abreu, M. (2014).  Dimensions of religiousness and cancer screening behaviors among church-going Latinas. Journal of Religious Health, 53(1):190-203.

Pischke, C.R., Galarce, E.M., Nagler, E., Sorensen, G., Gupta, P.C., Pednekar, M.S., Aghi, M., Sinha, D.N., Viswanath, K. (2013).  Message formats and their influence on perceived risks of tobacco use: A pilot formative research project in India. Health Educ Res, 28(2):326-38.

Nagler, E.M., Pednekar, M.S., Viswanath, K., Sinha, D.N., Aghi, M.B., Pischke, C.R., Ebbeling, C.B., Lando, H.A., Gupta, P.C., Sorensen, G.C. (2013).  Designing in the social context: using the social contextual model of health behavior change to develop a tobacco control intervention for teachers in India. Health Educ Res, 28(1):113-29.

Pischke, C.R., Zeeb, H., van Hal, G., Vriesacker, B., McAlaney, J., Bewick, B.M., Akvardar, Y., Guillén-Grima, F., Orosova, O., Salonna, F., Kalina, O., Stock, C., Helmer, S.M., Mikolajczyk, R.T. (2012).  A feasibility trial to examine the social norms approach for the prevention and reduction of licit and illicit drug use in European university and college students. BMC Public Health, 12:882.

Van Hal, G., Vriesacker B., McAlaney, J., Mikolajczyk, R.T., Zeeb, H., Helmer, S., Pischke, C.R., Bewick, B., Akvardar, Z., Guillén, F., Salonna, F., Orosova, O., Stock, C., Dohrmann, S.B. (2011).  Social norms of polydrug use in Europe: Project SNIPE. The Addictions Newsletter: 20-21.

Chainani Wu, N., Weidner, G., Purnell, D., Frenda, S., Merritt-Worden, T., Pischke, C.R., Campo, R., Kemp, C., Ornish, D. (2011).  Changes in emerging cardiac biomarkers following an intensive lifestyle intervention. American Journal of Cardiology, 108:498-507.

Pischke, C.R., Elliott-Eller, M., Li, M., Mendell, N., Ornish, D., Weidner, G. (2010).  Clinical events in coronary heart disease patients with an ejection fraction of ≤40%: 3-year results. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 25: E8-E15.

Pischke, C.R., Frenda, S., Ornish, D., Weidner, G. (2009).  Lifestyle changes are related to reductions in depression in persons with elevated coronary risk factors. Psychology & Health, 27:1-24.

Schulz, U., Pischke, C.R., Weidner, G., Daubenmier, J., Elliott-Eller, M., Scherwitz, L., Bullinger, M., Ornish, D. (2008).  Support group attendance is related to blood pressure, health behaviors, and quality of life in the Multicenter Lifestyle Demonstration Project. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 13(4):423-37.

Pischke, C.R., Scherwitz, L., Weidner, G., Ornish, D. (2008).  Long-term effects of lifestyle changes on well-being and cardiac variables among CHD patients. Health Psychology, 27(5):584-92.

Pischke, C.R., Weidner, G., Elliott-Eller, M., Ornish, D. (2007).  Lifestyle changes and clinical profile in coronary heart disease patients with an ejection fraction of ≤40% or >40% in the Multicenter Lifestyle Demonstration Project. European Journal of Heart Failure, 9(9):928-34.

Pischke, C.R., Weidner, G., Elliot-Eller, M., Scherwitz, L., Merritt-Worden, T.A., Marlin, R., Lipsenthal, L., Finkel, R., Saunders, D., McCormac, P., Scheer, J.M., Collins, R.E., Guarneri, E.M., Ornish, D. (2006).  Comparison of coronary risk factors and quality of life in coronary artery disease patients with--vs.--without diabetes mellitus. American Journal of Cardiology, 97(9):1267-73.

Pischke, C.R., Marlin, R., Weidner, G., Ornish, D. (2006).  The role of lifestyle in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in patients with type 2 diabetes. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 30(2):176-182.

Ausgewählte Vorträge wissenschaftlicher Tagungen (letzten 5 Jahre)

Pischke, C.R., Steenbock, B., Helmer, S.M., Sill, J., Möllers, T., Kebede, M. (2018). There are many physical activity apps but only few are evidence-based: Results of a content-analysis. Presented at the International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Santiago de Chile, Chile.

Lloret, D., Harvey, H., Samkange-Zeeb, F., Pischke, C.R., Juan, M., Duch, M., Anupol, J., Magalhães, C., Mendes, F. Empowering parent organizations to prevent substance use in Spain and Portugal- Aims, methods and primary outcomes of the EPOPS-project. Presented at the Ninth EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.

Wichmann, F., Laging, M., Braun, M., Lubasch, J., Ganz, T., Muellmann, S., Heidenreich, T., Pischke, C.R.  Using information on contextual factors for developing a tailored implementation strategy for web-based substance use prevention programs at German universities– Results of the DIOS-study. Presented at the Ninth EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.

Ratz, T., Lippke, S., Bragina, I.,  Muellmann, S., Peters, M., Pischke, C.R., von Holdt, K., Meyer, J., Voelcker-Rehage, C.  Effekt web-basierter Interventionen zur Förderung körperlicher Aktivität auf multiple Gesundheitsverhaltens-änderung und sozialkognitive Prädiktoren bei älteren Erwachsenen: Ergebnisse der PROMOTE-Studie. Presented at the joint annual meeting of the German Society of Epidemiology (DGEpi), Bremen, Germany.

Muellmann, S., Buck, C., Peters, M., Bragina, I., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Ratz, T., Lippke, S., von Holdt, K., Meyer, J., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R.  Wirksamkeit web-basierter Interventionen zur Förderung von körperlicher Aktivität bei älteren Erwachsenen: Ergebnisse der PROMOTE-Studie. Presented at the joint annual meeting of the German Society of Epidemiology (DGEpi), Bremen, Germany.

Sill, J., Steenbock, B., Helmer, S.M., Eichholz, S., Pischke, C.R. Apps zur Förderung von körperlicher Aktivität – Nutzung & Einstellungen Erwachsener im Alter von 50 Jahren und älter: Ergebnisse eines Online-Surveys. Presented at the joint annual meeting of the German Society of Epidemiology (DGEpi), Bremen, Germany.

Kebede, M.M., Schuett, C., Zeeb H., Pischke, C.R. (2018).  Diabetic mobile applications use and its association with glycemic control among the digital community of patients with diabetes. Presented at the joint annual meeting of the German Society of Epidemiology (DGEpi), Bremen, Germany.

Bragina, I., Muellmann, S., Pischke, C., Zeeb, H., von Holdt, K., Meyer, J., Lippke, S., Voelcker-Rehage, C.  The effectiveness of modern activity tracking devices in the promotion of active healthy aging – a randomized controlled trial. Presented at the 51. Congress of the German Society of Psychology, Frankfurt, Germany.

Gusy, B., Wolter, C., Farnir, E., Gräfe, C., Helmer, S., Pischke, C.R., Zeeb, H.  Zur Wirksamkeit personenbezogener Rückmeldungen zum Alkoholkonsum bei Studierenden. Presented at the 51. Congress of the German Society of Psychology, Frankfurt, Germany.

Lippke, S. on behalf of the PROMOTE-Team (2018).  Supporting psychological resources of older individuals with IT-assisted interventions: The role of future orientation and planning in health behavioral change - Stage-specific effectiveness tested in a randomized controlled trial. Presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montréal, Canada.

Kebede, M.M., Zeeb, H., Peters, M., Heise, T.L., Pischke, C.R. (2018).  Effectiveness of digital interventions for improving glycemic control in persons with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes — A systematic review and meta‑regression analysis. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Diabetes Association, Miami, USA.

Kebede, M.M., Zeeb, H., Peters, M., Heise, T.L., Pischke, C.R. (2018).  Comparative analysis of ANCOVA, change scores and final values meta-analyses. Presented at the JBI Colloquium, Antwerp, Belgium.

Pischke, C.R., Laging, M., Wichmann, F., Muellmann, S., Helmer, S.M., Braun, M., Ganz, T., Heidenreich, T., Zeeb, H. (2018).  Readiness for implementing web-based interventions for the prevention of risky substance use at German universities. Presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine 39th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions, New Orleans, USA.

Wichmann, F., Laging, M., Müllmann, S., Braun, M., Ganz, T., Pischke, C.R. (2017).  Implementierungsbereitschaft bezüglich webbasierter Interventionen zur Prävention von riskantem studentischem Substanzkonsum an Hochschulen. Presented at the joint annual meeting of the German Society of Epidemiology (DGEpi), the German Society of Medical Sociology (DGMS) and the German Society of Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP), Lübeck, Germany.

Lippke, S., Meyer, U., Rost, E., Pischke, C., Muellmann, S., Zeeb, H., von Holdt, K., Beck, E., Meyer, J., Bragina, I., Voelcker-Rehage, C. (2017).  Facilitating physical activity in older individuals with IT-assisted interventions (Workshop: Physical activity, healthy ageing and equity: insights from the AEQUIPA research network.). Presented at the 10th European Public Health Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.

Helmer, S.M., Pischke, C.P., Schneider, S., Reintjes, R., Schmidt-Pokrzywniak, A., Girbig, M., Kraemer, A., Icks, A., Walter, U., Zeeb, H. (2017).  Associations between personal and perceived peer use and attitudes towards substance use among German university students: findings of a multi-centre cluster-controlled intervention trial. Presented at Lisbon Addictions, the Second European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies, Lisbon, Portugal.

Pischke, C.R., (2017).  Assessing readiness to implement web-based interventions for the prevention and/or reduction of substance use at ten universities in Germany – results of the DIOS project. Presented at Lisbon Addictions, the Second European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies, Lisbon, Portugal.

Braginna, I, Meyer, J., von Holdt, K., Lippke, S., Pischke, C., Muellmann, S., Rost, E., Zeeb, H., Voelcker-Rehage C. (2017).  PROMOTE: Tailoring physical activity interventions to promote healthy ageing. Presented at the 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, San Francisco, USA.

Pischke, C.R. Wichmann, F., Brandes, M., Muellmann, S., Jahn, I., Moellers, T., Zeeb, H. (2017).  Development of a web-based system for documenting and evaluating behavioral and environmental interventions for the prevention of childhood overweight and obesity in Germany. Presented at the ISBNPA 2017 Annual Meeting, Victoria, Canada.

Kebede, M., Liedtke, T.P., Möllers, T., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R. (2017).  Characterizing active ingredients of eHealth interventions targeting persons with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus using the Behavioral Change Technique Taxonomy. Presented at the ISBNPA 2017 Annual Meeting, Victoria, Canada.

Wichmann, F., Zeeb, H., Brandes, M., Jahn, I., Müllmann, S., Pischke, C.R. (2017).  Entwicklung eines Systems zur Dokumentation und Evaluation von Präventionsmaßnahmen für kindliches Übergewicht und Adipositas: Erste Ergebnisse des DEVASYS-Projekts. Presented at the Annual Congress ‘Armut und Gesundheit’ (Health & Poverty), Berlin, Germany.

Pischke, C.R., Wichmann, F., Helmer, S.M., Braun, M., Ganz, T., Laging, M., Heidenreich, T., Zeeb H. (2016). Dissemination and sustainable implementation of web-based interventions for the prevention of harmful substance use among German university students – Preliminary results of the DIOS-project. Presented at the Seventh European Society for Prevention Research Conference, Berlin, Germany.

Pischke, C.R., Helmer, S.M., Schneider, S., Reintjes, R., Schmidt-Pokrzywniak, A., Girbig, M., Krämer, A., Fiege, A., Walter, U., Zeeb, H. (2016).  Effects of a brief web-based ‘social norms’ intervention on cannabis use among German university students: Results of a cluster-controlled trial. Presented at the International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Melbourne, Australia.

Pischke, C.R., Muellmann, S., Steenbock, S., Zeeb, H., De Cocker, K., De Craemer, M., Hayes, C., O’Shea, M.P., Horodyska, K., Bell, J., Luszczynska, A., Roos, G., Jørun Langøien, L., Rugseth, G., Terragni, L., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Brug J. (2016).  Views of policy makers and intervention implementers on factors facilitation the implementation and transferability of interventions and policies for the promotion of physical activity and a healthy diet in Europe. Presented at the International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Melbourne, Australia.

Roos, G., Langøien, L.J., Terragni, L., Rugseth, G., De Cocker, K., Hayes, C., Horodyska, K., Luszczynska, A., Muellmann, S., Pischke, C.R. (2016).  Views of policy makers and stakeholders on factors facilitating sustained policies promoting healthy eating: findings from DEDIPAC case studies in Norway. Presented at the 9th European Public Health Conference, Vienna, Austria.

Hayes, C.B., O’Shea, M.P., Horodyska, K., Luszczynska, A., Langøien, L.J., Roos, G., De Cocker, K., Muellmann, S., Pischke, C.R., De Bourdeaudhuij, I. (2016).  Conditions for the implementation of diet and physical activity interventions in schools-a DEDIPAC study. Presented at the 9th European Public Health Conference, Vienna, Austria.

Muellmann, S., Forberger, S., Möllers, T., Bröring, E., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R. (2016).  EHealth interventions for the promotion of physical activity in older adults: a systematic review. Presented at the 9th European Public Health Conference, Vienna, Austria.

Helmer, S.M., Pischke, C.R., Schneider, S., Reintjes, R., Schmidt-Pokrzywniak, A., Girbig, M., Krämer, A., Fiege, A., Walter, U., Zeeb, H. (2016).  Reduktion des Alkoholkonsums bei Studierenden: Evaluation einer web-basierten personalisierten ‘soziale Normen‘-Intervention bei Studierenden an acht Hochschulen in Deutschland. Presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Epidemiology (DGEpi), Munich, Germany.

Muellmann, S., Rost, E., Bragina, I., Schnauber, J., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Lippke, S., Meyer, J., Pischke, C.R. (2016).  Evaluation der Wirksamkeit zweier web-basierter Interventionen zur Förderung von körperlicher Aktivität bei älteren Erwachsenen im Vergleich zu einer Wartelisten-Kontrollgruppe: Erste Ergebnisse der PROMOTE-Studie. Presented at the Annual conference of the German Society of Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP), Bochum, Germany.

Möllers, T., Pischke, C.R., Zeeb, H. (2016).  Inwiefern werden neue gesetzliche Regularien in Solarien umgesetzt? Ergebnisse einer „simulated client“ Studie in Deutschland. Presented at the German Society of Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP), Bochum, Germany.

Horodyska, K., Bell, J., Łuszczyńska, A., Pischke, C.R., Muellmann, S., De Cocker, K., Hayes, C.B., O’Shea, M.B., Roos, G., Jørun Langøien, L. (2016). Critical implementation conditions in interventions and policies for obesity prevention: findings from DEDIPAC KH case study. Presented at the European Health Psychology Society Conference, Aberdeen, UK.

Zeeb, H, Helmer, S., Icks, A., Kraemer, A., Reintjes, R., Schmidt-Pokrzywniak, A., Schneider, S., Seidler, A., Walter, U., Pischke, C.R. (2016). Reducing alcohol use among university students: A multisite evaluation of a web-based personalized social norms feedback in Germany. Presented at the Epidemiology Congress of the Americas, Miami, Florida, USA.

Dempsey, R.C., McAlaney, J., Helmer, S.M., Pischke, C.R., Akvardar, ,Y., Bewick, B.M., Fawkner, H., Guillen-Grima, F., Stock, C., Vriesacker, B., van Hal, G., Salonna, F., Kalina, O., Orosova, O., Mikolajczyk, R.T. (2015).  Cannabis use in European University students: Are normative perceptions of peer cannabis use and attitudes associated with personal cannabis use and attitudes? Presented at the British Psychological Society (BPS) West Midlands Conference, Coventry, UK.

Steenbock B, Helmer S, Eichholz S, Bollo M, Pischke CR (2015).  Apps for the promotion of physical activity in older adults. Serious Health Games & Apps Conference, Ghent, Belgium.

Helmer, S.M., Pischke, C.R., Zeeb, H. (2015). Reduktion und Prävention des legalen und illegalen Substanzkonsums von Studierenden durch Teilnahme an ‚Soziale Normen‘-Interventionen: Erfahrungen und erste Ergebnisse einer internationalen Machbarkeitsstudie in 7 europäischen Ländern (SNIPE-Studie) und der in vier Regionen Deutschlands umgesetzten Nachfolgestudie (INternetbasierte Soziale Normen Intervention zur Prävention von Substanzkonsum von Studierenden ‚INSIST‘). Presented at the German Addiction Congress (Deutscher Suchtkongress), Hamburg, Germany.

Muellmann, S., Steenbock, B., Zeeb, H., Roos, G., de Bourdeaudhuij, I., Brug, J., Pischke C.R. on behalf of the DEDIPAC consortium (2015).  Implementing interventions and policies targeting health behaviours: Facilitators and barriers. Presented at the 8th European Public Health Conference, Milan, Spain.

Helmer, S.M., Pischke, C.R., Reintjes, R, Borutta, B., Icks, A., Steinmann, A.M., Schmidt-Pokrzywniak, A., Schneider, S.; Zeeb, H. (2015).  Eingeschätzter und eigener Alkoholkonsum von Studierenden an acht deutschen Hochschulen: Erste Ergebnisse der ‚Internetbasierte Soziale Normen-Intervention zur Prävention von Substanzkonsum von Studierenden‘ (INSIST)-Studie. Presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Epidemiology (DGEpi), Potsdam, Germany.

Helmer, S.H., Pöttgen, P., Pischke, C.R., Zeeb, H. (2015).  A ‘social norms’- intervention to prevent and/or reduce substance use among university students in Germany: Preliminary findings of the INSIST (INternet-based Social norms Intervention for the prevention of substance use among STudents) study. Presented at the Conference on Health Promoting Universities & Colleges, Kelowna, B.C., Canada.

Pischke, C.R., Helmer, S.M., McAlaney, J., Bewick, B.M., Akvardar, Y., Orosova, O., Salonna, F., Stock, C., Dempsey, R., Mikolajczyk R. (2015).  Injunctive norms regarding cognitive enhancing prescription drug use among European students. Presented at the 36th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM), San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Pischke, C.R., Mehring, M. (2015).  Evaluation der Pflegestufe bei hochaltrigen Teilnehmer/innen des Bewegungsprogramms ‚Fit für 100‘ im Vergleich zu Nichtteilnehmer/innen. Presented at the Bremen Congress for Nursing (Bremer Pflegekongress), Bremen, Germany.

Valentin-Holbech, L., Stock, C. McAlaney, J., Pischke, C.R:, Vriesacker, B., Van Hal, G., Akvardar, Y., Orosova, O., Kalina, O., Guillen-Grima, F., Bewick, B.M. (2014).  Are student estimations of peer alcohol consumption associated with personal use? Presented at the 7th European Public Health Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.

Landgraf-Rauf, K., Pöttgen, S., Samkange-Zeeb, F., Brand, T.,  Steenbock, B., Brand, T., Pischke, C.R. (2014).  Effectiveness of school-based programs aimed to reduce psychological problems among children and adolescents - A review of reviews. Presented at the 7th European Public Health Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.

Steenbock, B., Pischke, C.R., Schönbach, J., Pöttgen, S., Brand T. (2014).  The effectiveness of primary prevention interventions promoting physical activity and healthy eating among preschool children. Presented at the 7th European Public Health Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.

Pischke, C.R., Helmer, S.M., van Hal, G., Vriesacker, B., Dempsey, R., McAlaney, J., Bewick, B.M., Akvardar, Y., Guillen-Grima, F., Orosova, O., Salonna, F., Kalina, O., Stock, C., Zeeb, H., Mikolajczyk, R. (2014).  Personal and perceived peer use of tobacco among university students in seven European countries. Presented at the 13th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Groningen, Netherlands.

Pöttgen, S., Helmer, S.; Köster, J.-P., Pischke, C.R.; von Borczyskowski, A., Reintjes, R, Zeeb, H. (2014).  Rekrutierung von Studierenden für eine webbasierte Befragung zum Substanzkonsum: Welche Rekrutierungskanäle sind vielversprechend? Presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Epidemiology (DGEpi), Ulm, Germany.

Pöttgen, S., Helmer, S., Köster, J.-P., Zeeb, H., Pischke, C.R. (2014).  Measuring rates of peer substance use: Results of a focus group with German university students. Presented at the 4th European Symposium on Substance Use and Abuse among Students (ESSUS), Bremen, Germany.

Pischke, C.R., McAlaney, J., Bewick, B.M., Helmer, S., Mikolajczyk, R., Zeeb, H., van Hal, G., Vriesacker, B., Dempsey, R., Akvardar, Y., Guillen-Grima, F., Orosova, O., Salonna, F., Kalina, O., Stock, C. (2014).  A feasibility study of online social norms feedback to reduce alcohol and drug use in university students: Project SNIPE

(‘Social Norms for the prevention of Polydrug usE’). Presented at the 4th European Symposium on Substance Use and Abuse among Students (ESSUS), Bremen, Germany.

Helmer, S., Köster, J.-P. Pöttgen, S., Pischke, C.R., Fiege, A., Krämer, A., Borutta, B., Reintjes, R., Schmidt-Pokrzywniak, A., Girbig, M., Schreck, C., Glatz, L., Zeeb, H. (2014).  Development of an internet-based social norms intervention for the prevention of substance use in German university students: The INSIST (INternet-based Social norms Intervention for the prevention of substance use among STudents) study. Presented at the 4th European Symposium on Substance Use and Abuse among Students (ESSUS), Bremen, Germany.

Helmer, S.H., Mikolajczyk, R., Pischke, C.R., van Hal, G., Vriesacker, B., Dempsey, R. McAlaney, J., Bewick, B.M., Akvardar, Y., Guillen-Grima, F., Orosova, O., Salonna, F., Kalina, O., Stock, C., Zeeb, Z. (2014).  Hirndoping von Studierenden in sieben europäischen Ländern: Eigener Konsum und Einschätzungen des Peer-Konsums von Medikamenten zur akademischen Leistungssteigerung. Presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Epidemiology (DGEpi), Ulm, Germany.

Helmer, S., Mikolajczyk, R., Pischke, C.R., Zeeb, H., van Hal, G., Vriesacker, B., Dempsey, R., Bewick, B.M., Akvardar, Y., Guillen-Grima, F., Orosova, O., Salonna, F., Kalina, O., Stock, C., McAlaney, J. (2013).  Personal and perceived peer use of alcohol among university and college students in seven European countries: the SNIPE study. Presented at the 6th Annual European Public Health Conference, Brussels, Belgium. 

Helmer, S., Mikolajczyk, R., Pischke, C.R., van Hal, G., Vriesacker, B., Dempsey, R., McAlaney, J., Bewick, B.M., Akvardar, Y., Guillen-Grima, F., Orosova, O., Salonna, F., Kalina, O., Stock, C., Zeeb, H. (2013).  Illegaler Drogenkonsum: Fehleinschätzungen des Konsums von Peers und eigener Konsum von Studierenden in 7 europäischen Ländern. Presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Epidemiology (DGEpi), Leipzig, Germany.


  • 05/18 – 07/18: Lehre für zwei Sitzungen (in deutscher Sprache) in Seminar mit dem Titel “Projektstudium”, Master Epidemiologie, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Deutschland.
  • 10/17 – 02/18: Lehre für fünf Sitzungen (in deutscher Sprache) in Seminar mit dem Titel “Projektstudium”, Master Epidemiologie, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Deutschland.
  • April 2017: Gastvortrag (in deutscher Sprache) mit dem Titel Dissemination und nachhaltige Implementierung von (Online-) Präventionsmaßnahmen gegen riskanten Substanzkonsum bei Studierenden: Das DIOS-Projekt. (Master Bildungswissenschaften und Management für Pflege- und Gesundheitsberufe), Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, Deutschland.
  • Oktober 2016 - Februar 2017: Seminar (auf Englisch) mit dem Titel "Obesity Prevention" (Bachelor & Master Public Health), Universität Bremen, Deutschland
  • Mai 2016: Gastvortrag (in deutscher Sprache) mit dem Titel “Internetbasierte Soziale Normen Interventionen zur Prävention von Substanzkonsum von Studierenden” (Master of Science Psychologie), Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Deutschland
  • Februar 2015: Gastvortrag (in deutscher Sprache) mit dem Titel “Übersicht über Intervention Mapping” (Bachelor Public Health), Universität Bremen, Bremen, Deutschland
  • Oktober 2014 - Februar 2015: Seminar (auf Deutsch) mit dem Titel "Intervention Mapping" (Master Public Health), Universität Bremen, Deutschland
  • April 2014 - Juli 2014: Seminar (auf Englisch) mit dem Titel "Obesity Prevention" (Bachelor & Master Public Health), Universität Bremen, Deutschland
  • Dezember 2014: Gastvortrag (auf Deutsch) mit dem Titel “The Role of Comprehensive Lifestyle Changes in the Prevention and Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease” (Master Public Health), Universität Bremen, Deutschland 
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