Advanced Hands-on Course in Skull Base Surgery 2024


All practical exercises listed here will be introduced by a topic-related 20-minute scientific lecture.

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Anterior skull base & anterior CCJ

7:30       Registration

8:00       Welcome Prof. J.F. Cornelius

8:05      Scientific Lecture Prof. R. Daniel :“Fronto-lateral approach & minimally invasive variants, subtemporal approach & anterior petrosectomy”

8:25      Practical part

13:00    Lunch

14:00    Scientific Lecture Prof. M. Bruneau :“Antero-lateral approach to CCJ and management of the vertebral artery”

14:20    Scienific Lecture Prof. D. Paraskevopoulos :“Fronto-temporo-orbito-zygomatic approach; clinoidectomy & sinus cavernosus”                    

14:40    Practical part 

18:00     Debriefing 

Free evening

Friday, 17 May 2024

Posterior skull base & posterior CCJ

8:00       Scientific Lecture Dr. Koot :“Retrosigmoidal approach & opening of the internal auditory canal”

8:20       Scientific Lecture Prof. Beez :“Posterior midline, supracerebellar-infratentorial & telo-velar approach”

8:40      Practical part

13:00    Lunch

14:00    Scientific Lecture Prof. T. Meling :“Postero-lateral approach to the CCJ (far lateral approach and variants”

14:20     Scientific Lecture Prof. J.F. Cornelius :“ C1& C2 and anatomy of the vertebral artery, landmarks of screw placement C0-C4 for Occ Cerv Fusion”

14:40    Practical part

18:00     Debriefing 

20:00     Course Dinner at the restaurant “La Donna Cannone”, Hammer Strasse 28, Düsseldorf

Saturday, 18 May 2024

Lateral skull base 

8:00       Scientific Lecture Dr. Giammatei :“Posterior petrosectomy & variants”
8:20      Scientific Lecture Prof. Beseoglu :“Strategic planning in complex skull base surgery, peri-operative management & intra-operative monitoring, complication prevention & trouble-shooting”

8:40      Practical part

12:00    Lunch

13:00    Free preparation

15:00    Farewell

Faculty members (see below) will be available the whole day to support the participants during the practical exercises and to answer questions.

Invited Faculty 

Prof. M. Bruneau, Director of the Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital UZ Brussels

Prof. R. Daniel, Head of Skull Base Surgery and Neurovascular Surgery, Lausanne University Hospital

Dr. L. Giammatei, Senior Consultant, Department of Neurosurgery, Lausanne University Hospital

Dr. R.W. Koot, Senior Consultant, Department of Neurosurgery, LUMC, Leiden

Prof. T. Meling, Director of the Department of Neurosurgery, Rigshospitalet University Hospital, Copenhagen

Prof. D. Paraskevopoulos, Director of the Department of Neurosurgery, Queen Mary University, London

Local Faculty (Neurosurgical Department of the University Hospital Duesseldorf) 

Prof. Th. Beez, Head of paediatric neurosurgery, Vice chairman 

Prof. K. Beseoglu, Head of Neurosurgical Intensive Care

Prof. J.F. Cornelius, acting Chairman 

Scientific Organization 

Prof. J.F. Cornelius

Dr. Simon Schieferdecker

Dr. Juliane Weski

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