Leisure and sports
Grafenberg racecourse
Fancy a flutter on the horses? The Grafenberg Galopprennbahn racecourse is an ideal day out of fun, excitement, and entertainment for the whole family.
Public swimming baths in Düsseldorf
How about a swim or a relaxing visit to the sauna? Addresses, opening times, and prices for the Düsselstrand swimming baths and other public swimming baths and saunas as well as free swimming facilities in Düsseldorf are available at www.baeder-duesseldorf.de.

Sports authority
Sport is good for health – the 16 district sports grounds in Düsseldorf provide many opportunities to stay fit. Visit the sports authority to find out more.
Back to nature
Düsseldorf has a host of opportunities for leisure time activities on playgrounds and leisure parks, places to hold a barbecue, the Wildpark and Waldschule Forest, small gardens and other places. Find out more at www.duesseldorf.de/stadtgruen/freizeit/index.shtml.
Leisure parks
Recreation, leisure, and sports for the whole family in the city’s three leisure parks.
Unterbach Lake leisure centre
The Unterbach Lake leisure centre in the south of the city has beach pools, a sauna, a sailing and surfing school, footpaths, children’s playgrounds and places to hold a barbecue.
Playgrounds and leisure facilities
The kids will also want to be shown a good time. Find out about children’s playgrounds, children’s and youth leisure centres as well as citizens’ centres by city quarter at the Düsseldorf Jugendamt youth authority.
In Düsseldorf, there are currently 420 public playgrounds and places to play football. These include twenty playgrounds in the woodlands, with about half of the rest located in parks.