Collaboration CAPHRI and chs

The chs and the regionally close Care and Public Health Research Institute (CAPHRI, Maastricht University, Netherlands) share many research interests in areas such as society, public health and health care. Therefore, CAPHRI and chs have joined forces within the framework of a formal collaboration agreement that aims collaboration on individual and organisational level. This includes so far joint research applications, projects, publications and PhDs.
The current and potential future areas of collaboration comprise:
- Co-investigation in research projects (jointly funded or based on existing internal funding)
- Co-authorship of research papers
- Exchange of Master’s students for scientific internships and theses (including medical students from Maastricht doing their Wetenschapsparticipatie, WESP)
- Exchange of teachers and teaching activities, including post-graduate teaching courses
- Joint / bi-national PhD education
- Collaboration in international networks
At the moment there are six working groups around common themes of research and education, who are exploring collaborative projects and initiatives:
Ageing and long-term care | chs: Stefan Wilm / Ralph Möhler CAPHRI: Hilde Verbeek / Sandra Zwakhalen |
Ethics and society | chs: Vasilija Rolfes CAPHRI: David Shaw |
Health promotion | chs: Claudia Pischke CAPHRI: Rik Crutzen |
Health technology assessment and health economic evaluation | chs: Andrea Icks CAPHRI: Silvia Evers |
MSc and PhD education | chs: Claudia Pischke CAPHRI: Aggie Paulus |
Primary care and health services research | chs: Daniel Kotz CAPHRI: Mark Spigt |
Would you like to join one of the working groups? Then please contact the chair(s) of the working group(s) you are interested in.
CAPHRI-chs Collaboration Day -2024

The fourth CAPHRI-CHS Collaboration Day (CCC) brought together more than 40 researchers in Düsseldorf on September 11th. Participants from Maastricht and Düsseldorf discussed joint projects, as well as potential avenues for future international collaboration. Workshops were conducted on topics such as patient and public involvement and presentation skills.

CAPHRI-chs Collaboration Day -2023
Forty-six researchers from Maastricht and Düsseldorf participated in the third CCC Day (CAPHRI-chs Collaboration), which was held as an online webinar on 16 May 2023. We shared current news from each institute and recent advances in our binational collaboration. Furthermore, we discussed the promotion of young researchers. The CCC Day also included an interactive workshop regarding predatory publishing practices.
CAPHRI-chs Collaboration Day -2022
The annual CAPHRI-chs Collaboration Day took place this year on 21 June 2022 in Maastricht. The event enabled a motivational exchange about common research interests and future forms to intensify the cooperation (e.g. research papers, exchange of Master’s students for scientifiy internships and theses, joint seminars).
CAPHRI-chs Collaboration Day -2021
The chs and CAPHRI intend to cooperate even more closely in the future. For this reason, the chs-CAPHRI collaboration day (CCC) was held in Düsseldorf on 22 of September. In addition to various workshops, in the plenary session was signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” for further cooperation by the deaneries of both research institutes.
Daniel Kotz (chs) Daniel.Kotz@med.uni‐ or
Kasia Czabanowska (CAPHRI)