AG Umweltepidemiologie / Environmental Epidemiology

Our mission is to identify harmful exposures for human health in the environment and to contribute to prevention of environmentally-related disease. We do so by conducting epidemiological studies of short- and long-term effects and translate these findings to policy makers and the public. Our main focus is on cardio-metabolic disease, respiratory disease and mental health. We are part of several large national and international consortia.

Aktuelle Projekte - Current Projects

Klimawandel und Gesundheit - Climate Change and health

  • Multi-strategy intervention for promoting bicycle mobility, health, and sustainability in the context of existing city development in Düsseldorf (UNITY) (info)
  • Hitzeaktionspläne im deutschsprachigen Raum - Inhalte und Evaluationen (info)

Luftverschmutzung und Gesundheit - Air pollution and health

  • Revision of the Federal Environment Agency Air Quality Index regarding the WHO Air Quality Guideline 2021 (Info)
  • Effects of Low-Level Air Pollution: A Study in Europe (ELAPSE) (Info)
  • Traffic-related air pollution and noise as potential risk factors in the development of obesity and cardiometabolic disease – A collaboration with the LEAD Study (LEAD Study) (Info)
  • Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Selected Health Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution (Traffic Review) (Info)

Ultrafeinstaub und Gesundheit - Ultrafine particles and health

  • The Berlin-Brandenburg Air Study – a natural experiment investigating health effects from changes in airport-related exposures (BEAR Study) (Info)
  • Longitudinal assessment of acute pulmonary, cardiolovascular and hematologic effects of fine and ultrafine particles under real world conditions (CorPuScula) (Info)
  • Neurocognition and 1000BRAINS Study (Info)
  • The Design of a Pilot Study on the Health Effects of Ultrafine Particles Konzeption und Pilotieren einer Gesunheitsstudie zu ultrafeinen Partikeln (KoPilot) (Info)
  • Ultrafine Particles and Cause-Specific Mortality in the Ruhr Area (UFP and Mortality) (Info)
  • Research Infrastructures Services Reinforcing Air Quality Monitoring Capacities in European Urban & Industrial AreaS (RI-URBANS) (Info)

Ausgewählte abgeschlossene Projekte - Selected completed Projects

  • Ambient air pollution-related burden of disease in Germany resulting from coal combustion in power plants (BoD Coal UBA) (Info)
  • Source-specific air pollution effects on inflammation, cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (AIRFLAMM) (Info)
  • Chronic exposure to particulate air pollution and progression of subclinical atherosclerosis (AIRCIMT) (Info)
  • Effects of ultrafine Particles from Indoor Activities (EPIA) (info)
  • Environment and Sleep (Info)
  • European Study of Cohorts on Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE) and TRANSPHORM (Info)
  • Health Effects of Ultrafine Particles – Systematic Literature Research of Epidemiologic Studies and its Transferability to the German Context (UFP Systematic Review) (Info)
  • Personal exposure during cycling and health effects (PEDAL) – a semi-controlled crossover pilot study (Info)
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