Welcome to our Department!
The Department of the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine is an institute dedicated to research and education on a wide spectrum of medical theory and practice.
We research and teach the history and ethics of medicine, as well as medical theory and philosophy of science. These topics are vital to medical practitioners and researchers of tomorrow.
Our research connects the history of medicine and the life sciences to modern questions about philosophy and medical ethics. By exploring the social and cultural dimensions of medicine we connect biomedical research to the humanities and social sciences.
The English website is currently not fully completed. If you are missing information, please try the German website.
A book collection of more than 20.000 volumes is available for research purposes.
Furthermore, the private library, manuscripts and correspondence of the Nobelist John C. Eccles are hosted in this institute.
Finally, the Heinrich Heine University graphical arts collection with more than 4,000 original prints and drawings on the subject of “Man and Death”, one of the largest and most significant of its kind in the world, is being catalogued and academically evaluated by the Institute for the History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Medicine.
More Information
Visit this site at: histmed.hhu.de
A selection of interviews and presentations can be found here.
Member of the Centre for Health and Society
Our Department is a member of the Centre for Health and Society.