Our research includes a great variety of methods and topics, such as: international comparative studies in the history of medicine and biology, the origins of biomedicine, philosophy of science and medicine, with a special focus on medical ethics. We take an interdisciplinary approach and include perspectives from history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and political science in order to describe medicine as a social and cultural practice.
General themes: Science studies in Medicine, historical network analyses in medicine; public health ethics; mechanization and quantification in medicine; history of diagnostics; social history of medicine; research ethics; stem cell ethics.
Single topics: history of eugenics, evolutionary and cell biology; history of psychiatry and neurology; medicine and National Socialism; history of physiology, pediatrics, urology, and dentistry; history of medical reputation and excellence (Nobel prize), history of medical history writing; foundling and hospital history; historical demography and epidemiology; history of public health and health policy; physician and death in graphical arts (collection ‘danse macabre’); doctors and medicine in the Rhine Province.
More detailed information is available on the German version of this site and sub-sites.