
CV, bibliographical and contact information of some individual members of the institute are provided via the links on the left bar. More detailed information is provided on the corresponding German website.

Director and Chair

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Heiner Fangerau, ML

Executive: Christina Zühlke

Secretariate: +49/ (0)211-81-06460


Assistant Professors

Dr. Maria Griemmert

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Nils Hansson, akad. Rat

Dr. Matthis Krischel

Dr. Chantal Marazia

Julia Nebe, M.A.

Dr. Anne Oommen-Halbach

Luisa Rittershaus, M.A.

Prof. Dr. Jörg Vögele

Research Projects

Dr. Timo Baumann

Uta Bittner, M.A.

Dr. Fabio De Sio

PD Dr. Silke Fehlemann

Thorsten Halling, M.A.

Dr. Uta Hinz

Dr. Richard Kühl

Dr. des. Daniela Link

Dr. Nils Löffelbein

Vasilija Rolfes, M.A.

Isabelle Schwarzburger

Dr. Felicitas Söhner


Univ.-Prof. em. Prof. h.c. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Alfons Labisch, M.A.(Soz.), ML


Associate Lecturers

Dr. Christine Claßen

Dr. Mazen Hagouan

Dr. Uwe Heyll, M.A.

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christoph auf der Horst

Dr. Robert Lindenberg

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Friedrich Moll, M.A.

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Thorsten Noack

Dr. Julia von Schreitter, M.A.

Dr. Marcel Streng

Dr. Peter Steinkamp


Guest Scholars

Dr. Steffen Dörre

Prof. Dr. Frank Leimkugel


Ulrich Koppitz, Library and Archive

Christa Reißmann, Photo Collections


Tutors and Assistants

Yvonne Gavallér, M.A.

Carolin Hesselink, B.A.

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