Dr.rer.nat. Manuel Marx

Science manager & research associate, acad. degree: Diploma in Biology

Scientific Coordination:

  • Science & Project Management
  • Personnel & financial controlling
  • Third-party funding management
  • Project Management Vogt Archive & Collection
  • Digitalization of the Vogt collection of brain sections
  • Public Relations
  • Strategies & innovations (R&D)
  • Reviews
  • Coordination team Master Translational Neuroscience
  • Academic advisor Master Translational Neuroscience

Teaching activites: 

  • Supervisor brain dissectioning course (Module D, Master Psychology)
  • Module 1, Master Translational Neuroscience

List of publications:

  • Marx, Qi, Hanganu-Opatz, Kilb, Luhmann, Feldmeyer (2015) Neocortical layer 6B as a remnant of the subplate - a morphological comparison. Cerebral Cortex 27(2), doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhv279
  • Marx, Feldmeyer (2013) Morphology and physiology of excitatory neurons in layer 6B of the somatosensory rat barrel cortex. Cerebral Cortex 23(12): 2803-2817
  • Radnikow, Günter, Marx, Feldmeyer (2012) Morpho-functional mapping of cortical networks in brain slice preparations using paired electrophysiological recordings. In: Fellin, Halassa, editors. Neuromethods: neuronal network analysis. New York (NY): Humana Press: an imprint of Springer Science+Business Media. LLC 2011. p.405-431
  • Marx, Günter, Hucko, Radnikow, Feldmeyer (2012) Improved biocytin labeling and neuronal 3D reconstruction. Nature Protocols 7(2): 394-407

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