Cell death, metabolic diseases and cancer Group
- Role of inflammatory signalling pathways and cell death in the development of metabolic liver disease and liver cancer
- Role of microRNAs in models of liver disease
- microRNAs as new biomarkers in patients with gastrointestinal cancer
- Biomarkers and artificial intelligence in the treatment of gastrointestinal tumours
- ERC: Consolidator Grant „How cellular suicide programmes control phase transitions in fatty liver disease and liver cancer - PHASE CONTROL“, 2018-2025
- DFG: Sachbeihilfe „The role of miR-107-dependent signaling networks in hepatocarcinogenesis“, 2020-2025
- DFG: Sachbeihilfe "The role of RIPK1-dependent signaling cues in chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma", 2021-2025
- DFG: Sachbeihilfe "The role of A20 as a master switch for the regulation of multiple distinct cell death pathways in hepatocarcinogenesis", 2022-2025
- DFG: Clinician Scientist Programm Zukunft gestalten für Clinician Scientists in präzisionsmetabolischer Medizin, 2023-2026
- BMBF: Transform Liver - Weiterentwicklung von Vision Transformern zur Entdeckung von Biomarkern bei Lebererkrankungen, 2023-2026
- Deutsche Krebshilfe: DECADE - Decentralized artificial intelligence for diagnosis, prognostication and response prediction in CRC, 2023 - 2026