AG Wojtecki
Welcome to the Research Group "Interventional Neurophysiology and Neuropsychology" (interPHYS). We are dedicated to the research of motor, cognitive and emotional functions by means of behavioural experiments and interventional neurophysiology in the context of neuromodulation techniques.
Our group is part of the Institute of Clinical Neuroscience and Medical Psychology, University Duesseldorf, Germany. (Chair: Prof. Dr. A. Schnitzler). Our research is furthermore embedded in the Neurological Clinic of the University Hospital Duesseldorf and the Clinic for Neurology and Neurorehabilitation at the Hospital zum Heiligen Geist Kempen (Academic Teaching Hospital of the HHU).
We electrically or magnetically modulate brain activity (by means of Deep Brain Stimulation or Transcranial Electrical Stimulation or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) and examine resulting behavioural outcome. On the other hand, we modulate behaviour with psychological paradigms and examine the resulting neuronal (oscillatory) activity by means of invasive (local field potentials, multi unit) and non-invasive (EEG, MEG) recordings.
Our aim is to understand neuronal networks in the context of brain diseases and to develop therapeutic concepts.
Lars Wojtecki
Matthias Boschheidgen (cand. med, HHU)
Celine Cont (MSc Neuropsychologie, PhD Studentin, HHU & Kempen)
Friederike Dörbercker (Bsc Physiotherapie, Kempen)
Anastasia Galli (BSc Psychologie, Kempen)
Dipl. Logopädin Laura Hamacher (Kempen)
Dr. med. Jens Harmel (Kempen)
Annaliis Letho (BSc, Masterstudentin Neuropsychologie Kempen & Uni Maastricht)
Kazimierz Logmin (cand. med. , HHU & Kempen)
Juliane Kneier (Bsc Physiotherapie, Kempen)
Dr. med. Tanja Schichel (Kempen)
Christina Schulte (MSc, Psychologie, Kempen)
Natalie Stute (MSc Neuropsychologie, Kempen)
Dipl. Sprachheilpädagogin Simone Werner (Kempen)
Dr. med. Dipl. Psych. Kristin M. Zimmermann (Kempen & Uni Marburg)
Dr. Carlos Trenado (PostDoc, extern)