AG Florin

Many neurological diseases lead to pathological changes in brain signals that are already visible during rest. This makes analyzing spontaneous activity a promising avenue to better understand the brain's function and dysfunction. Our research aims at providing a characterization of the neurophysiological basis of the brain's resting state networks (RSNs) by determining how communication between and within RSNs is mediated. This goal is achieved by analyzing electro-/magnetoencephaolographic (E/MEG) data from healthy participants and Parkinson (PD) patients.

Results obtained are translationally used to improve our understanding of the pathophysiology of neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease.  A particular focus is on tracing out the electrophysiological mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of dopaminergic treatment and deep brain stimulation for Parkinson patients.


Esther Florin


Rachel Spooner, PhD
Dr. Matthias Sure
Dr. Bahne Hendrik Bahners 
Baccara Hizli 
Fabrice Hubschmid
Thomas Pirenne
Anna Derichs (cand. med.)
Kim Koschmieder (cand. med.)
Sean Mertiens (cand. med.)
Lena Spitz (cand. med.)
Iris Reis (cand. med.)
Jantje Bohlen (cand. M.Sc.)
Pia Hartmann
Luisa Spallek
Katharina Stiller


Rasha Hyder, PhD
Levent Kandemir
Abhinav Sharma

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