Publications 2021

Alfonso-Prieto, M.
Bitter Taste and Olfactory Receptors: Beyond Chemical Sensing in the Tongue and the Nose
J Membr Biol  |

Amunts K, Lippert T
Brain research challenges supercomputing.
Science 2021; 374(6571): 1054-1055  |

Andlauer, TFM.; Mühleisen, TW.; Amunts, K.; Cichon, S. et al.
Genetic factors influencing a neurobiological substrate for psychiatric disorders.
Transl Psychiatry  |

Berthold-Losleben, M.; Papalini, S.; Habel, U.; Losleben, K.; Schneider, F.; Amunts, K.; Kohn, N.
A short-term musical training affects implicit emotion regulation only in behaviour but not in brain activity
BMC Neurosci  |

Bittner, N.; Jockwitz, C.; Franke, K.; Gaser, C.; Moebus, S.; Bayen, U.J.; Amunts, K.; Caspers, S.
When your brain looks older than expected: combined lifestyle risk and BrainAGE.
Brain Struct Funct. |

Chiariello, MG.; Alfonso-Prieto, M.; Ippoliti, E.; Fahlke, C.; Carloni, P.
Mechanisms Underlying Proton Release in CLC-type F-/H+ Antiporters.
J Phys Chem Lett  |

Constantini, I.; Baria E.; Sorelli, M.; Matuschke, F.; Giardini, F.; Menzel, M.; Mazzamuto, G.; Silvestri, L.; Cicchi, R.; Amunts, K.; Axer, M.; Pavone, FS.
Autofluroscence enhacement for label-free imaging of myelinated fibers in mammalian brain.
Sci Rep  |

Eickhoff CR, Hoffstaedter F, Caspers J, Reetz K, Mathys C, Dogan I, Amunts K, Schnitzler A, Eickhoff SB
Advanced brain ageing in Parkinson's disease is related to disease duration and individual impairment.
Brain Commun 2021; 3(3)  |

Froudist-Walsh S, Bliss DP, Ding X, Rapan L, Niu M, Knoblauch K, Zilles K, Kennedy H, Palomero-Gallagher N, Wang XJ
A dopamine gradient controls access to distributed working memory in the large-scale monkey cortex.
Neuron 2021; 109(21): 3500-3520.e13  |

Genon S, Bernhardt BC, La Joie R, Amunts K, Eickhoff SB
The many dimensions of human hippocampal organization and (dys)function.'
Trends Neurosci 2021; 44(12): 977-989  |

Goulas, A.; Changeux, JP.; Wagstyl, K.; Amunts, K.; Palomero-Gallagher, N.; Hilgetag, CC.
The natural axis of transmitter receptor distribution in the human cerebral cortex.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA  |

Grodzinsky, Y.; Behrent, K.; Agmon, G.; Bittner, N.; Jockwitz, C.; Caspers, S.; Amunts, K.; Heim, S.
A linguistic complexity pattern that defies aging: The processing of multiple negations
J Neurolinguist  |

Jockwitz, C.; Mérillat, S.; Liem, F.; Oschwald, J.; Amunts, K.; Jäncke, L.; Caspers, S.
Generalizing Longitudinal Age Effects on brain Structure - A Two-Study Comparison Approach.
Front Hum Neurosci  |

Klar, P.; Northoff, G.
When the World Breaks Down: A 3-Stage Existential Model of Nihilism in Schizophrenia.
Psychopathology  |

Knappe, O.; Schrimpf, A.; Karababa, A.; Czeszewsi, L.; Bidmon, HJ.; Luedde, T.; Haussinger, D.; Georg, B.
Role of ASCT2 and KGA for ammonia-induced astrocyte senescence
J Hepatol |

Lothmann, K.; Amunts, K.; Herold, C.
The neurotransmitter receptor architecture of the moouse olfactory system.
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy  |

Lothmann, K.; Deitersen, J.; Zilles, K.; Amunts, K.; Herold, C.
New boundaries and dissociation of the mouse hippocampus along the dorsal-ventral axis based on glutamatergic, GABAergic and catecholaminergic receptor densities.
Hippocampus  |

Maleeva, G.; Alfonso-Prieto, M. et al.
Subunit-Specific Photocontrol of Glycine Receptors by Azobenzene-Nitrazepam Photoswitcher.
eNeuro  |

Menzel M, Ritzkowski M, Reuter JA, Gräßel D, Amunts K, Axer M
Scatterometry Measurements With Scattered Light Imaging Enable New Insights Into the Nerve Fiber Architecture of the Brain.
Front Neuroanat
2021; 15  |

Menzel, M.; Reuter, JA.; Gräßel, D.; Huwer, M.; Schlömer, P.; Amunts, K.; Axer, M.
Scattered Light Imaging: Resolving the substructure of nerve fiber crossings in whole brain sections with micrometer resolution.
Neuroimage  |

Mullins. N.; Mühleisen, TW. et al.
Genome-wide association study of more than 40,000 bipolar disorder cases provides new insights into the underlying biology.
Nat Genet  |

Nin-Hill A, Mueller NPF, Molteni C, Rovira C, Alfonso-Prieto M
Photopharmacology of Ion Channels through the Light of the Computational Microscope.
Int J Mol Sci 2021; 22(21) |

Niu, M.; Rapan, L.; Funck, T.; Froudist-Walsh, S.; Zaho, L.; Zilles, K.; Palomero-Gallagher, N.
Organization of the macaque monkey inferior parietal lobule based on multimodal receptor architectonics.
Neuroimage  |

Palomero-Gallagher, N.; Amunts, K.
A short review on emotion processing: a lateralized network of neuronal networks
Brain Struct Funct  |

Paquola C, Royer J, Lewis LB, Lepage C, Glatard T, Wagstyl K, DeKraker J, Toussaint PJ, Valk SL, Collins L, Khan AR, Amunts K, Evans AC, Dickscheid T, Bernhardt B
The BigBrainWarp toolbox for integration of BigBrain 3D histology with multimodal neuroimaging.
Elife 2021; 10 |

Pérez-Santos I, Palomero-Gallagher N, Zilles K, Cavada C
Distribution of the Noradrenaline Innervation and Adrenoceptors in the Macaque Monkey Thalamus.
Cereb Cortex 2021; 31(9): 4115-4139  |

Quaglio G, Toia P, Moser EI, Karapiperis T, Amunts K, Okabe S, Poo MM, Rah JC, Koninck Y, Ngai J, Richards L, Bjaalie JG
The International Brain Initiative: enabling collaborative science.
Lancet Neurol
2021; 20(12): 985-986  |

Rapan, L.; Froudist-Walsh, S.; Nui, M.; Xu, t.; Funck, t.; Zilles, K.; Palomero-Gallagher, N.
Multimodal 3D atlas of the macaque monkey motor and premotor cortex.
Neuroimage  |

Refisch, A.; Chung, HY.; Komatsuzaki, S.; Schumann, A.; Mühleisen, TW.; Nöthen, MM.; Hübner, CA.; Bär, KJ.
A common variation in HCN1 is associated with heart rate variability in schizophrenia.
Schizophr Res  |

Schiffer C, Harmeling S, Amunts K, Dickscheid T
2D Histology Meets 3D Topology: Cytoarchitectonic Brain Mapping with Graph Neural Networks
Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 2021; 12908(): 395-404  |

Schiffer, C.; Spitzer, H.; Kiwitz, K.; Unger, N.; Wagstyl, N.; Evans, AC.; Harmeling, S.; Amunts, K.; Dickscheid, T.
Convolutional neural networks for cytoarchitectonic brain mapping at large scale.
Neuroimage  |

Schmitz-Hübsch, T.; Amunts, K. et al.
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 14: refining clinicogenetic diagnosis in a rare adult-onset disorder.
Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology  |

Sitani, D.; Giorgetti, A.; Alfonso-Prieto, M.; Carloni, P.
Robust principal component analysis-based prediction of protein-protein interaction hot spots.
Proteins  |

Sonderby IE et al.
Effects of copy number variations on brain structure and risk for psychiatric illness: Large-scale studies from the ENIGMA working groups on CNVs.
Hum Brain Mapp.  |

Sonderby IE et al.
1q21.1 distal copy number variants are associated with cerebral and cognitive alterations in humans.
Transl Psychiatry  |

Unger N, Heim S, Hilger DI, Bludau S, Pieperhoff P, Cichon S, Amunts K, Mühleisen TW
Identification of Phonology-Related Genes and Functional Characterization of Broca's and Wernicke's Regions in Language and Learning Disorders.
Front Neurosci 2021; 15  |

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