Vogt lecture: 'Connectivity and disconnectivity'

The Vogt lecture will introduce medical students (3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th semester) to the connectivity and disconnectivity of the human brain - from the molecular level to large functional systems. Modern imaging techniques for studying (dis)connectivity will be discussed, critically reviewed, and a clinical reference will be provided as well. At the end of each lecture there will be some time to frequenlty ask questions. We are looking forward to your interest and a lively discussion.

Curriculum: Medicine - Elective Q1/Q2/Q3
Date: every Wednesday
Time: 11:00 - 12:30 o'clock
Building: Small lecture hall of pathology (building 14.79)
Type of course: lecture with seminar
Prerequisite: successful completion of the head-neck-CNS part in the 2nd semester
Participants (min.): 10
Participants (max.): 50
Examination type: oral exam
Contact: Dr. Evelyn Oermann and Ms. Anna Stössel
Institute: C.&O. Vogt Institute of Brain Research
Email: Oermann@uni-duesseldorf.de, stoessa@hhu.de

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