The CURE3D Lab (Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine & Tissue Engineering 3D Lab) is a research facility of the Department of Cardiac Surgery (Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. A. Lichtenberg) with scientific foci on cardiovascular tissue engineering, aortic valve biology, three dimensional cell culture systems and bioreactor technology. The interdisciplinary scientifc team comprises researchers from the fields of biology, other life sciences, biotechnology and medicine.
The research focus of the Institute is set on cardiovascular tissue engineering and regeneration, particularly for valvular and myocardial tissues. Besides cell culture techniques and bioreactor technology, preclinical in vivo models as well as systems-theoretical abstractions and numerical modeling are applied to answer scientific Questions.
Furthermore, prospective clinical trials and retrospective outcome research are conducted.
In all research areas, PhD candidates, Bachelor/Master students or medical doctoral candidates are welcome. Contact: Dr. Elvira Weber / Dr. Hug Aubin