
Participation of children in health and health care-related research: Exploration of framework conditions and development of methods for establishing a children's council

With KiRa, we are testing and researching the establishment of a children's council to accompany health and care research projects. Together with children aged 9 to 13 with a chronic illness and their parents, we are developing the goals, framework conditions and success criteria of a children's council in a participatory manner. KiRa is also linked to two of our projects funded by the Health Services Research Innovation Fund (PICAR and PedSDM), to which the Children's Council contributes its expertise through participatory research and working methods and helps to shape the projects. Using the living example, we are also investigating the appropriate framework conditions, methods and modes for participatory work with children in health and healthcare research and how participation in the Children's Council affects children and parents. The aim of the project is, on the one hand, to supplement existing research projects with the expertise of the Children's Council. On the other hand, the methods used for this are also to be systematically described and examined in order to further develop them and thus, above all, to strengthen the participation of children in research.

Operational project management

Yousra El Makrini

Head project management

Dr. Angélique Herrler

Status: ongoing (June 2023 - May 2025)

Sponsor: "Citizens' University in Research" funding line of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Funding volume: approx. 60,000 €

Project publications


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