Services and downloads

Our goal is to sustainably improve the health and healthcare of children and adolescents. We are happy to share our expertise and competencies in this area. In addition to our research focuses and projects, we can offer special consultation on the topics listed below. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss an idea or project.

Additionally, we provide tools and instruments that we have developed, which can be used free of charge for non-commercial purposes in research and practice.

Expertise and Consultation

Complex interventions and evaluation of health care

Brief info: Due to the understanding that health and health behaviour are influenced by circumstances, preventive measures are increasingly directed at several levels (e.g. school level, neighbourhood level, professional level, especially in so-called lifeworld approaches). In addition to behavioural changes, the focus is also on structural and organisational changes. As a result, prevention and health promotion measures are often characterised by complexity.

Against this background, the last 20 years have seen a strong further development of concepts for the development, implementation and evaluation of complex interventions in public health research, driven primarily by scientists from the United Kingdom (within the framework of the Medical Research Council (MRC)). Our expertise in this area is based on many years of experience with intervention research and can be found, for example, in the key term "complex intervention" that we have developed.

Contact person:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Freia De Bock,
Dr. Adrienne Alayli,

E-mail address:,

Further links:

Implementation of evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention interventions

Priority for proportional prevention

Cross-sector and interdisciplinary healthcare research

[Information will follow shortly]

Evidence-based prevention and health promotion

Brief info: Systematic establishment and utilisation of the best available, reliable knowledge (evidence-based) is necessary in order to establish prevention and health promotion as a strong pillar of the healthcare system in the long term; however, in addition to scientific evidence, the values and experiences of various stakeholders in the healthcare system and of target groups (e.g. children and adolescents) should also be systematically and transparently included in evidence-based decisions. We have outlined criteria and operationalisations of evidence-based prevention and health promotion for German-speaking countries in the memorandum Evidence-based Prevention and Health Promotion and in other articles.

Contact person:

Univ.-Prof. Freia De Bock

E-mail address:

Further links:

Evidence-based prevention and health promotion

Evidence-based Public Health

More evidence-based prevention and health promotion

The WHO-INTEGRATE evidence to decision framework version 1.0

Measurement Instruments and Method Collection

CASP (Child and Adolescent Scale of Participation)

TitleCASP (Child and Adolescent Scale of Participation)

Brief info: The CASP is a questionnaire validated for Germany with 20 items for parents with children aged 3-18 years. Parental information is used to record the child's participation in the 9 domains of the ICF-CY in everyday life. In addition to the questionnaire, there are 3 open questions to which free text answers can be given on specific obstacles to the child's participation.

Contact person:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Freia De Bock

E-mail address:

Further Links:

Paper from De Bock et al., 2019

Download the CASP questionnaire

Download the CASP Scoring Guideline

CollaboRATE pediatric


Brief info: CollaboRATEpediatric is a short measurement instrument for assessing shared decision making in the context of paediatric and adolescent care. The original CollaboRATE instrument, which can be used very well in practice with only three items, was translated into German and adapted into three versions: 1) version for the direct assessment of shared decision making with the child from the perspective of children (age: 7-18 years), 2) version for the direct assessment of shared decision making with parents from the perspective of parents, 3) version for the assessment of shared decision making with the child from the perspective of parents (so-called "proxy" version). If possible, children should always be interviewed themselves. If they are unable to complete the questionnaire themselves, the proxy version can be used. 

Contact person:

Dr. Angélique Herrler

E-mail address:

Further Links:




Herrler A, Görig T, Georg S, De Bock F, Ullrich C, Eichinger M. Assessment of shared decision making in pediatrics: DevelopingGerman scales for patients aged 7-18 years, parents and parent-proxy reports (CollaboRATEpediatric). Patient Educ Couns. 2021 Mar;104(3):634-641.

Herrler A, Hoffmann DU, Görig T, Georg S, König J, Urschitz MS, De Bock F, Eichinger M. Assessing the extent of shared decision making in Pediatrics: Preliminary psychometric evaluation of the German CollaboRATEpediatric scales for patients aged 7-18 years, parents and parent-proxy reports. Patient Educ Couns. 2022 Jun;105(6):1642-1651.

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