Operational project management
Head project management
Professor Freia De Bock and Dr. Adrienne Alayli
Status: ongoing (since 2023)
Sponsor: The EUthyroid2 project is funded for a four-year period as part of the Horizon Europe Framework Program (European Union) to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases in young people and adolescents.
Funding volume: 280,000 € budget (total: 2.4 million)
News and links
- https://www.euthyroid2.eu/
- https://www.euthyroid.eu/
- Universität Düsseldorf: EUthyroid2: Projekt gegen Jodmangel während der Schwangerschaft (hhu.de)
- Jodmangel kann zu Hirnschäden von Ungeborenen führen – Gemeinsam gegen Jodmangel vorgehen – Internationales Konsortium erhält 2,5 Millionen Euro - Universität Greifswald (uni-greifswald.de)
- The next step towards the elimination of iodine deficiency and preventable iodine-related disorders in Europe | EUthyroid2 Project | Fact Sheet | HORIZON | CORDIS | European Commission (europa.eu)
- Press-Release-EUthyroid2-January-2023.pdf
Project publications