Dental Neglect

Dental Neglect Instrument

The project aims to develop a German-language instrument for the operationalization, identification and documentation of dental neglect as well as advice and referrals to the public health and social system.

The development is based on the child protection guideline and an international scoping review. The content validity and applicability will be examined with a Delphi panel involving relevant professional associations.

Operational project management


Head project management

Dr. Adrienne Alayli

Cooperation partners

Professor Stefanie Ritz-Timme, Director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Düsseldorf University Hospital

Dr.  med. dent. Bergmann, Düsseldorf Health Department

Dr. med. dent. Pantelis Petrakakis, Federal Association of Dentists of the Public Health Service e.V. (BZÖG) North Rhine regional office

Status: ongoing 2023

Sponsor: Funded by the Jürgen Manchot Foundation

Funding volume: -

News and links


Publications on the project


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